Saturday, September 18, 2010

His Post- News Flash. JUST MARRIED.

Long time no see, 2 months and 10 days to be more exactly since the last time we put our thoughts on “paper”.  Won’t happen again! On the 15 of August (on the same day we met 5 years ago), we shiverly walked acompaniated  by our family in the registry court and  joined our destines in front of the law.  It was the happiest moment of our life and by far the biggest emotions we ever had. We feel more like family now ready to take a bite of our future and make sure it’s very tasty. Somehow we feel more close to our dream and we know that this decision  is just another step forward to fulfilling our second part of the dream: to become an American family. Somehow,  we wished that on the background to be and a American flag, to bad that could’nt be possible.
The future is in front of us
Excercising for the next big step.
Love...loove...looooooove :)
Al papers are made, no way back for any of us :)