Sunday, May 23, 2010

His Post-Wanted dead or alive

     How many of you take a lot of things for granted? How many of you don't know what privilege is to be American citizen?

I for example, i'am willing to struggle my entire life to be able to have what others take for granted. Just like many of African childs that their struggle is for the common water, water that we all take for granted. Ever thought of this while you are drining water?

If i could use a motto, then it would have to be something like that "American citizenship wanted dead or alive". And God help us i just know that one day, one day in the future we will be real tax payers.

Anyone who is able to give us some real advices about how to become american citizens is more then welcome to contact us.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Her Post-Life out of the box

We are not special at all. If you take us individualy, you’ll see that it’s no sparkle at all. But God brought us togheder and that’s a very special package. Yes, I kind of like the comparisons.

When I think how our marriage will be, a weird and funny image pops into my mind . You know those boxes, very brightfull, very colorfull, whitch seem to be empty but once you open them a little clown comes out into your face. That’s it! That’s what we are.

A relation like that just has to be playfull and sincere like the smile of the clown. Now, the puppet has an arch stick to his but. That means nothing’s stabile, not the bad days , not the good days, but we will have to cope one with each other and find a balance.

Untill today, our life has been spontaneous. One day we were having no home, no jobs, the next day we re have both and more. We grow up togeder, teaching what love really means and we learn from every fight. We still do. ..Fight. But at the end of the day, he knows I was able to risk my life for his love, and I know he gave up to the confort of his family for to be togheter

Friday, May 7, 2010

His Post-Imagine That

             I don't know how many of you ever stopped for a minute of your daily routine and stared even for a short matter of time at those magnificent views sourrounding you, but out there are some like us that invented a new kind of tourism, just like window shopping we called it "imagine that". For all of you that we need to remind what an incredible views you have, and for all of you that take it all for granted we give you a short tour of your own country. Imagine that.... 

                                        could visit the Statue of Liberty from up in the air.

     ... you coould rest near the Golden Gate                         could watch an americcan footbal
        and enjoy the fresh breeze                                                            match on a true American arena


 could go fishing in places
you haven't even   dreamed of                                                                
                    could admire incredible arhitecture
in the heart of the modern cities


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             could see  the nature's rare sculptures could witness the city midnight sunrise.
                                                   Now stop imaginating ... and enjoy your life!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Her Post - "Panda" Friendly

     Life isn’t like a box of chocolate. Those chocolates makes you happy for a blink of an eye, but makes you guitly for a whole month.

     Life it’s like a panda bear would took you a picture. Just like that. Is awkward, funny and you can’t help asking…”What’s the point?”. The point is , no matter how awkward it gets, you must learn to enjoy the experience, with patience. Don’t you dare moving all around that fkg chair. Stop mumbling about the fact that is taking to much time. It has to, in order to make a good memory. Now put a humongous smile on your face, whip your wet nose and look into the camera. It wont hurt, I swear on my grandpa’s glasses. And those are some awesome glasses for a little old man.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

His Post-The Wannabe

Many romanians live in USA and many have blogs where they write in romanian, so i'm gonna be the only one that lives in Romania but writes in english. And for those of you that don’t even know where this weird place is, I have drawn to you a small map. And by the way, the distance between “us” and “you” is about… ..10569,17 Km or 6567,38 Miles. So hold on, because it’s gonna be a rough and long journey.