Saturday, March 19, 2011

Her Post- The Ultimate Tool To Stay In Shape: A Nursing Degree

Life has been a rollercoaster in the past few days. The house would have looked better if a tornado sweeped it out. Our neighbours are doing some renos and there’s dust even in our food. On top of that, seems like we’re taking turns on being sick. After my stomach bug two weeks ago (Find Out Why), C. came home the other day with a nasty cold.

Fever was way over the normal levels and he began to talk incoherently. He mumbled something about paper work for a big grocery chain. I always joke and say that he can’t cheat on me cause he's a sleep talker!

Want some chesse with that whine? Puppy face.
He told me I'm a pretty good nurse. Let just say that being a nurse it's not my dream job, except moments like these. I was literally racing back and forth between a demolished kitchen and a sick husband. Nursing feels like being on a hamster wheel…You’re spinning on and on.

Now we all know nurses don't diet! They earn every single bite of dessert!

Although I didn’t manage to squeeze in a decent workout, my legs are two jelly beans and I’m ready to raise the red flag. I m thinking of getting a nursing degree and quit all my workouts cause after a day like this, nursing school resonates in my mind with BOOT CAMP.

When was the last time YOU had to nurse somebody? Yes, stories related to diapers are allowed. (I can already feel the smell)

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